• Development of superconducting structures with unique electromagnetic characteristics and the study of their physical properties...

Nikolay Abramov

IMG_0478_1Leading engineer

Engineer – physicist in speciality of “Physics of Metals”, Graduated NUST “MISiS”

E-Mail: n-abram-n@yandex.ru

Phone: +7 (495) 638-45-34






1. N. Maleeva, M. V. Fistul, N. N. Abramov, A. S. Averkin, A. Karpov, A. P. Zhuravel and A. V. Ustinov
Electrodynamics of a planar Archimedean spiral resonator
J. Appl. Phys. 118, 033902 (2015)
2. S.V. Shitov, A.A. Kuzmin, M.Merker, M.Arndt, S.Wuensch, K.Ilin, N.Abramov, E.Erhan, A.V.Ustinov and M.Siegel
Wide-range bolometer with RF readout TES
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25, 3 (2015)
3. Н.Н. Абрамов
Анализ концепции сверхпроводящего болометра с высокочастотным считыванием
Журнал технической физики, том 86, вып. 2 (2015)

4. A. S. Averkin, A. Karpov, K. Shulga, E. Glushkov, N. Abramov, U. Huebner, E. Il’ichev, and A. V. Ustinov
Broadband sample holder for microwave spectroscopy of superconducting qubits
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 104702 (2014)

5. A. A. Kuzmin, M. Merker, S. V. Shitov, N. N. Abramov, A. B. Ermakov, M. Arndt, S.H. Wuensch, K. S. Ilin, A.V.Ustinov and M Siegel
Superconducting hot-electron nanobolometer with microwave bias and readout
6. N. N. Abramov, A. A. Kuzmin , S. V. Shitov, E. V. Erhan and A.V. Ustinov
Superconducting metamaterial for sub-millimeter wave imaging: first light
Extended abstract for conference “Metamaterials 2014” in Copenhagen, Aug. 25-30, 2014
7. N. Maleeva, M. Fistul, N.N. Abramov, A. Averkin, A. P. Zhuravel A. Karpov and A. V. Ustinov
Inner modes of a compact spiral resonator suitable for metamaterial applications
Extended abstract for the conference “Metamaterials 2014” in Copenhagen, Aug. 25-30, 2014
8. Малеева Н.А., Фистуль М.В, Абрамов Н.Н, Аверкин А.С, Карпов А.В, Журавель А.П, Устинов А.В
Математическая модель плоского спирального резонатора конечной длины
II Московская микроволновая неделя, 2014

9. Fabrication and study of GdMnO3  multiferroic thin films. N. Andreev, N. Abramov, V. Chichkov, A. Pestun, T. Sviridova, Ya. Mukovskii, Acta Physica Polonica A, 117, 218 (2010)

10. Low-temperature properties of Ca-doped YbMnO3 multiferroic single crystals. N. Abramov, V. Chichkov, S. E. Lofland, and Y. M. Mukovskii, J. App. Phys  109, 07D912 (2011)
11. Study of the low-temperature properties of multiferroic YbMnO3 and YbMn0.7Ga0.3O3 single crystals N. Abramov, S. Lofland,Ya. Mukovskii, Phys. Status Solidi B 250, 411–413 (2013)
12. The mechanism and kinetics of the fuel cladding failure during loading after high-temperature oxidation, S.A. Nikulin, S.O. Rogachev, A.B. Rozhnov, A.Yu. Gusev , A.G. Malgin b, N.N. Abramov, K.S. Zharovtseva, V.M. Khatkevich, M.V. Koteneva, E.V. Li, Journal of Nuclear Materials 452, pp. 102–109 (2014)