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XXII Schmidt seminar on superconductivity

Wed 19Jun2019

From 15:00

At National University of Science and Technology MISiS, conference hall Б-607 (6th floor)

Superconducting Metamaterials Laboratory / Nadezhda Sannikova, tel: +7 (495) 638 46 46, cell phone: +7 (929) 566 77 60


The XXII Schmidt Seminar on Superconductivity will be held in National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 4) conference hall № Б-607, on June, 19 at 15:00.


Title: Nonequilibrium superconductivity with spin-splitting fields: spin transport and thermoelectric effects

Speaker: Mikhail Silaev, Department of Physics and Nanoscience Center, University of Jyväskylä, Finland


Recent studies of non-equilibrium spin states in superconductors revealed a new rich physics originating from the coupling of spin both to charge and heat. I will discuss that superconducting wires subjected to a magnetic field can develop a peculiar thermospin effect which produces spin polarization in response to external heating or the injection of quasiparticles from the adjacent voltage-biased normal electrode [1]. The spin polarization and spin currents generated in such a way survive in the superconductor at length scales much larger than the spin relaxation length in the normal state in agreement with recent experiments. Detection of spin polarization can be done with the help of ferromagnetic electrodes which convert it to electric signals. Basic mechanisms of spin transport (spin Seebeck) and thermoelectric effects in spin-split superconductors are discussed in detail in our review papers [2,3]. I will also show how to utilize superconductors for spin-charge conversion in the presence of supercurrents [4] and use Abrikosov vortices for very efficient spin transport [5].
1. M. Silaev, P. Virtanen, F.S. Bergeret and T.T. Heikkilä, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 (16), 167002 (2015).  
2. F.S. Bergeret, M. Silaev, P. Virtanen, T.T. Heikkilä, Rev. Mod. Phys 90 (4), 041001 (2018).
3. T.T. Heikkilä, M. Silaev, P. Virtanen, F.S. Bergeret, arXiv:1902.09297
4.  F. Aikebaier, M.A. Silaev, T.T. Heikkilä, , Phys. Rev. B 98, 024516 (2018).
5. A.Vargunin, M. Silaev,  Scientific Reports 9 5914 (2019)


Venue:  NUST MISiS, conference hall № Б-607 (6th floor)

Everyone is welcome! 
Entrance for seminar participants who are not students, graduate students or employees of MISIS, will be carried out upon presentation of passport upon prior registration for the seminar. Registration is opened till 14:00 June, 19.


There are 9 people coming.