• Development of superconducting structures with unique electromagnetic characteristics and the study of their physical properties...
  • Alexey Basharin lecture students
  • The main direction of the laboratory - experimental study of electromagnetic properties of superconducting metamaterials at microwave frequencies using one-dimensional and two-dimensional structures.
  • The low-temperature cryostat
  • The staff of laboratory "Superconducting metamaterials"
  • Shmidt Seminar on superconductivity
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Archive March, 2018

Google Research Award 2017

The head of our laboratory and a professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, Alexey Ustinov has won the prestigious Google Research Award 2017 in Quantum Computing nomination! Learn more https://research.googleblog.com/2018/03/google-faculty-research-awards-2017.html