The fifth lecture “Superconducting quantum processors: State of the art and challenges” in “Open RQC colloquium” will be held in National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Leninskiy prospekt 4), lecture hall № Б-534 (5th floor), on 15th of July at 10:00 a.m by Alexey Ustinov, Head of laboratory of superconducting metamaterials, Professor in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) and […]
Archive ‘Events’
Moscow Mini Maker Faire

The first in our country festival Maker Faire, which has already won people’s hearts all over the world, was held in NUST “MISiS” in July, 9-10 . In the frame of the festival Moscow Mini Maker Faire in NUST “MISiS” students working in our laboratory Nikita Volsky, Mariya Kogokar` and Ivan Stenischev with the supervisor Alexey Basharin experimentally demonstrated toroid dipole […]

In the framework of MONTH OF POSTDOCS LECTURES 2016 PhD Ben Hamida Aymen and his scientific advisor Prof. Valery Ryazanov will give the lectures introducing their joint scientific work in the laboratory for superconducting metamaterials. Lectures will be held on 18th of May, between 15:00 and 17:00, library. Valery V. Ryazanov: “Цифровая и квантовая сверхпроводящая электроника” (Russian […]

In the framework of MONTH OF POSTDOCS LECTURES 2016 PhD Ben Hamida Aymen and his scientific advisor Prof. Valery Ryazanov will give the lectures introducing their joint scientific work in the laboratory for superconducting metamaterials. Lectures will be held on 18th of May, between 15:00 and 17:00, library. Valery V. Ryazanov: “Цифровая и квантовая сверхпроводящая электроника” (Russian […]
The seminar of prof. Vassilios Kovanis “Dynamics of fast and tunable nonlinear systems with applications in photonic and superconducting oscillators”

The seminar of prof. Vassillios Kovanis (Nazarbayev University, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan) was held on 2nd of February. About speaker: Vassilios Kovanis joined the Physics Department at Nazarbayev University in August of 2014 as a professor and currently he is serving at the acting head. In the past he served as the Technical Advisor of the Photonics […]
Coherent and self-organization phenomena in metamaterials

09 December 2015 the seminar “Coherent and self-organization phenomena in metamaterials” will take place in NUST «MISIS» The shedule: 11:00 «Chimeras in SQUID metamaterials», George P. Tsironis (NUST «MISIS»; University of Crete, Greeсe) 11:45 «Control of power in parity-time symmetric lattices», George P. Tsironis (NUST «MISIS»; University of Crete, Greeсe) 12:30 «Qubit lattice coherence induced by electromagnetic pulses in […]
XVII Schmidt seminar on superconductivity

Title of the seminar: Probing contextuality with superconducting quantum circuits Presenter: Arkady Fedorov (The University of Queensland, Australia) Abstract: Contextuality is one of the most fundamental properties which distinguish quantum mechanics from classical theories. It has also been suggested to be the ‘magical’ resource responsible for an exponential speedup of a quantum computer. We will provide the first […]
XVI Schmidt seminar on superconductivity

November 26, 2015 (15:00) the sixteenth Schmidt seminar on superconductivity will take place in NUST «MISIS». Title: «Odd-frequency pairing and Andreev bound states» Presenter: Prof. Yukio Tanaka (Nagoya University, Japan) Abstract Superconductivity is a phenomenon where the macroscopic quantum coherence appears due to the pairing of electrons. The symmetry properties of the pairing, […]
Optically Induced Coherent Phenomena in Quantum Metamaterials

Dr. Zoran Ivich will deliver a series of 5 lectures, which are combined into one topic: “Optically Induced Coherent Phenomena in Quantum Metamaterials” Dr. Zoran Ivić, “Vinča” Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia CQCN, Department of Physics, University of Crete,Heraklion, Greece The schedule of lectures: 27.11.2015 at […]
The seminar “Emergent Phenomena Near Spin and Charge Quantum Phase Transitions”

November 25, 2015 (15:00) the seminar “Emergent Phenomena Near Spin and Charge Quantum Phase Transitions” organized by the Laboratory for superconducting metamaterials will take place in NUST «MISIS». Presenter: Dr. Siddharth S. Saxena (Quantum Matter Group, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge ) Abstract: This talk will focus on experimental search and discovery of novel forms of quantum order in metallic and insulating magnets, intercalated compounds, ferroelectric systems […]