From 15:00
At National University of Science and Technology MISIS
Superconducting Metamaterials Laboratory / Nadezhda Sannikova, tel: +7 (495) 638 46 46, cell phone: +7 (929) 566 77 60
The XXI Schmidt Seminar on Superconductivity will be held in National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 4) conference hall № Б-734, on June, 5 at 15:00.
Title: Chirality-controlled spontaneous currents in spin-orbit coupled superconducting rings
Speaker: Prof. Dr. A. I. Buzdin, University Bordeaux, France
At a superconductor interface with a ferromagnetic insulator (FI), the FI acts to induce a local exchange field within the S layer, which in the presence of spin-orbit interaction promotes a phase- modulated superconducting state. Here we demonstrate that within a thin superconducting loop that is partially proximitized by a FI, spontaneous currents form with a magnetization-orientation-dependent chirality with sizable shifts in LittleParks oscillations. Furthermore, the critical temperature of the loop is also magnetization-orientation-dependent and conversely, the superconducting transition itself may influence the magnetization direction. More generally, the superconducting region above the FI serves as a “phase battery” and so offers a new device concept for superconducting spintronics.
Venue: NUST MISiS, conference hall № Б-734 (7th floor)
There are 9 people coming.