• Development of superconducting structures with unique electromagnetic characteristics and the study of their physical properties...

Ivan Stenischev

xvxKnB7ZU_k Master Student of the Department of theoretical physics and quantum technologies, NUST “MISIS”

Fields of Scientific Interests

Metamaterials, plasmonics, toroidal electrodynamics, terahertz and microwaves

Diplomas and Awards

Winner of the Third All-Russian Innovation Competition UMNIK 15-10 diploma.

Winner of the Students competition of scientific-research and design works, NUST “MISiS” diploma.


  1. The 10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Metamaterials 2016, Crete, Greece, http://congress2016.metamorphose-vi.org/;
  2. The 54th International Student Scientific Conference ISSC 2016, Novosibirsk, Russia, http://issc.nsu.ru/;
  3. The International conference “Interaction of Superconductivity and Magnetism in Nanosystems” 2015, NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia, http://science.misis.ru/ru/activity/nanosystem/;
  4. Schmidt seminar on superconductivity, organized by the Laboratory for superconducting metamaterials, NUST “MISIS», Moscow, Russia, http://smm.misis.ru/en/2014/11/25/schmidt-seminar-on-superconductivity/.
  5. 71st Days of Science MISIS students: international, interuniversity and institution scientific and technical conferences, 2016, Moscow, Russia, http://sciencedays.misis.ru/.

VI Youth Award, NUST “MISiS”