• Development of superconducting structures with unique electromagnetic characteristics and the study of their physical properties...


shitov90x110 Sergey Shitov

Chief researcher, D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Leading researcher of Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS


Valery Ryazanov

Chief researcher, D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Head of the lab of superconductivity in the Institute of Solid State Physics RAS in Chernogolovka


Alexandre Karpov

Leading researcher, D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor of the Department of theoretical physics and quantum technologies, NUST “MISIS”

 muhin90x110 Sergey Mukhin

Researcher, D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Head of the Department of theoretical physics and quantum technologies, NUST “MISIS”


Mikhail Fistul

Researcher, Ph. D. in Physics and Mathematics Engineer, Ruhr University, Bochum (Germany)




George Tsironis

Chief researcher, D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor (University of Crete), Coordinator (Crete Center for Quantum Complexity and Nanotechnology)

2015 08 29 for misis Andrei Malishevski

Researcher, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, researcher in Sector of Plasma Phenomena Theory, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Vladimir Chichkov

Researcher, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics




 Ilya Besedin


image Alexey Basharin

Researcher, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics




Igor Golovchanskiy

Researcher, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Institute for Superconducting & Electronic Materials (ISEM) University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia



Nikolay Abramov

Leading engineer

Engineer – physicist in speciality of “Physics of Metals”



Alexander Averkin

Engineer, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics



Gleb Fedorov

Engineer, Postgraduate Student of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

DSC_0901 Alexey Merenkov

Engineer, Postgraduate student of the Department of theoretical physics and quantum technologies, NUST “MISIS”

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Kristina Schegoleva

Engineer, master`s degree in Physics



Ivan Stenischev

Engineer, Postgraduate Student of the Department of theoretical physics and quantum technologies, NUST “MISIS”



Nadezhda Sannikova

Engineer, master`s degree in Material science




Ilya Pologov 

Engineer,  Postgraduate Student of the Department of theoretical physics and quantum technologies, NUST “MISIS”





Tatyana Kim

Engineer, Postgraduate Student of the Department of theoretical physics and quantum technologies, NUST “MISIS”





Margarita Gdanova

Engineer, Postgraduate Student of the Department of theoretical physics and quantum technologies, NUST “MISIS”


 R0A1dWBF1hY  Alexander Grigor`ev

Engineer, Master Student of the Department of theoretical physics and quantum technologies, NUST “MISIS”


Maria Cojokari

Student at NUST “MISIS”




Former Members


Kirill Shulga

Junior researcher, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics



Natalia Maleeva

Junior researcher, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics



Ivan Takmakov

Postgraduate Student of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology