Малеева Наталия Андреевна
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Научный сотрудник, к.ф.-м.н. e-mail: m13@list.ru Область научных интересов: Теоретическая и экспериментальная физика, сверхпроводомость, сверхпроводящие метаматериалы, квантовые технологии в метаматериалах.
Публикации: 1. N. Maleeva, M. V. Fistul, N. N. Abramov, A. S. Averkin, A. Karpov, A. P. Zhuravel and A. V. Ustinov, Electrodynamics of a planar Archimedean spiral resonator, J. Appl. Phys. 118, 033902 (2015) 2. Alexander S. Averkin, Alexander P. Zhuravel, Philipp Jung, Natalia Maleeva, Valery P. Koshelets, Lyudmila V. Filippenko, Alexandre Karpov, and Alexey V. Ustinov, Imaging coherent response of superconducting metasurface, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. accepted 3. N. Maleeva, M. V. Fistul, A. Karpov, A. P. Zhuravel, A. Averkin, P. Jung and A. V. Ustinov, Electrodynamics of a ring-shaped spiral resonator, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 064910 (2014) 4. N. Maleeva, M. Fistul, N.N. Abramov, A. Averkin, A. P. Zhuravel A. Karpov and A. V. Ustinov, Inner modes of a compact spiral resonator suitable for metamaterial applications, Extended abstract for the conference «Metamaterials 2014″ in Copenhagen, Aug. 25-30, 2014 5. Малеева Н.А., Фистуль М.В, Абрамов Н.Н, Аверкин А.С, Карпов А.В, Журавель А.П, Устинов А.В, Математическая модель плоского спирального резонатора конечной длины, II Московская микроволновая неделя, 2014 6. N. Maleeva, M. Fistul, A. Averkin, A. Karpov and A. V. Ustinov, Electrodynamics of a spiral resonator as a suitable magnetic component of metamaterials, Extended abstract for the conference «Metamaterials 2013″ in Bordeaux, Sept. 16-19, 2013 7. Analysis of vortexes’ appearing and interaction in the multiferroic N.A. Cheretyanko (Maleeva), P.I. Karpov Proceedings of 65th Days of Science MISIS students: international, interuniversity and institution scientific and technical conferences, 2010. 8. Topological defects in the two dimensions multiferroic N.A. Cheretyanko (Maleeva), P.I. Karpov Proceedings of 65th Days of Science MISIS students: international, interuniversity and institution scientific and technical conferences, 2011. 9. Topological defects of magnetic order in multiferroics N.A. Cheretyanko (Maleeva) «Study and Achieve» Proceedings of the 6th International Students’ Conference 2011. |