• Development of superconducting structures with unique electromagnetic characteristics and the study of their physical properties...
  • Alexey Basharin lecture students
  • The main direction of the laboratory - experimental study of electromagnetic properties of superconducting metamaterials at microwave frequencies using one-dimensional and two-dimensional structures.
  • The low-temperature cryostat
  • The staff of laboratory "Superconducting metamaterials"
  • Shmidt Seminar on superconductivity
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Archive ‘Lections’

Open Lecture “Quantum Coherence Through the Relaxation” by Dr. Zoran Ivic

Open Lecture  “Quantum Coherence Through the Relaxation” by Dr. Zoran Ivic (University of Belgrade, “Vinča” Institute of Nuclear Sciences) Abstract:  The discovery of quantum coherence (QC) in meso– and macroscopic systems made possible practical applications of quantum mechanical phenomena such as quantum entanglement, superposition, and tunneling in the development of quantum technologies including quantum information processing, communication, and […]

Open lecture “SQUID metamaterials: A testbed for nonlinear dynamics” by Dr. Ioanna Chitzanidi

The open lecture “SQUID metamaterials: A testbed for nonlinear dynamics” by Dr. Ioanna Chitzanidi (University of Crete, Greece) will be held in NUST MISIS on 27 of September 2019 at 14:00.   Abstract: The Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) is a highly  nonlinear oscillator with rich dynamical behavior. In the present talk, the dynamical properties of the SQUID in the […]

Workshop on Studying Strongly Correlated Materials with High Pressures

Workshop on Studying Strongly Correlated Materials with High Pressures by Dr. Siddharth S. Saxena will take place in MISIS on May, 28 at 15:00. This workshop will introduce researchers and post-graduate students to methods and techniques for studying, magnetism, superconductivity, dielectric properties and electrical properties using clamp-type and anvil-type pressure apparatus.  This will be further […]

Open RQC colloquium. Lecture 36

The Thirty Sixth lecture “Quantum Networks: Long-standing Problems and Novel Applications” in Open RQC Colloquium will be held in National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Leninsky Avenue, 4) lecture hall № Б-536 (5th floor), on 2th of March 2018 at 10:00 a.m by Aleksey Fedorov, PhD in Physics, Senior researcher in Russian Quantum Center. Abstract Quantum key distribution networks are remarkable because they combine […]

Open RQC colloquium. Lecture 35

  The Thirty Fifth lecture “Magnons coherent quantum states” in Open RQC Colloquium will be held in National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Leninskiy prospekt 4) lecture hall № Б-536 (5th floor), on 9th of February 2018 at 10:00 a.m by Yury Bunkov, directeur de recherché, Institut Neel, Grenoble, France and leading scientist, Kazan Federal University, Russia. Abstract Supermagnonics and magnon Bose-Einstein condensation […]

«Chimera states: from superconducting oscillators to biological neurons» Lecture 2

The second lecture on “Chimera of states: from superconducting oscillators to biological neurons” will be held in NUST MISiS, lecture hall № Б-708 (7th floor) by Ioanna Chitzanidi, Senior Researcher in University of Crete, on 26 of May at 14:00. The 1st lecture was held on Friday, May 19 at 14:00.The 2nd lecture will be held on May 26 at 14:00. Abstract: We […]

Open RQC Colloquium. Lecture 25

The Twenty Fifth lecture “Strongly interacting fermions” in Open RQC Colloquium will be held in National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Leninskiy prospekt 4) lecture hall № Б-536 (5th floor), on 26th of May 2017 at 10:00 a.m by Georgy Shlyapnikov, Director of Research, LPTMS CNRAS, Orsay (France); Professor of the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and Many-body Theory group lead in Russian […]

“Chimera states: from superconducting oscillators to biological neurons” Lecture 1

Two lectures on “Chimera of states: from superconducting oscillators to biological neurons” will be held in NUST MISiS, lecture hall № Б-708 (7th floor) by Ioanna Chitzanidi, Senior Researcher in University of Crete.   The 1st lecture will be held on Friday, May 19 at 14:00.The 2nd lecture will be held on May 26, exact time will be announced later. Abstract: […]

The lecture “Flat Bands and Localized Flat-Band States in SQUID Lieb Metamaterials”

The lecture “Flat Bands and Localized Flat-Band States in SQUID Lieb Metamaterials” will be held in NUST MISIS, lecture hall № Б-708 (7th floor) on 25th of April 2017 at 13:00 by Nikolaos Lazaridis (Crete University, Greece). Abstract: The concepts related to flat bands in condensed matter systems as well as recent experiments in optical Lieb and Kagome lattices in two dimensions are […]

Open RQC Colloquium. Lecture 23

The Twenty Third lecture “Silicon-Vacancy and Germanium-Vacancy color centers in diamond as a platform for quantum optics and communications” in Open RQC Colloquium will be held in National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Leninskiy prospekt 4) lecture hall № Б-536 (5th floor), on 21th of April 2017 at 10:00 a.m by Denis Sukachev, Research Associate in Harvard Univeristy, Researcher in Lebedev Physical Institute. […]